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MAN User Commands MAN
man - Print entries in the user reference manual
mmaann [_o_p_t_i_o_n_s] [_s_e_c_t_i_o_n_N_u_m_b_e_r] _e_n_t_r_y_N_a_m_e _e_n_t_r_y_N_a_m_e ...
--aa Search all man directories. By default,
directories marked "ALL" in the configure
file will be skipped. In Sprite, the --aa flag
will cause Software Warehouse directories to
be searched.
--cc _c_o_n_f_i_g_F_i_l_e MMaann normally looks in the file
//sspprriittee//lliibb//mmaann//ccoonnffiigg for information about
where the man pages are. If the --cc switch is
given, then mmaann uses _c_o_n_f_i_g_F_i_l_e instead.
--ii Generate index. Instead of printing manual
entries, treat each _e_n_t_r_y_N_a_m_e as a file name.
Read all the files, and output index informa-
tion on standard output.
--hheellpp Print a summary of the command-line options
and exit without printing any manual pages.
--kk Keyword search. Instead of printing manual
entries, treat each _e_n_t_r_y_N_a_m_e argument as a
keyword, search the manual indexes for infor-
mation about the keywords, and print all the
matching index entries.
--rr Normally, mmaann retains formatted versions of
man pages for faster printing. It only
reformats a man page if there is no formatted
version or if the source is newer than the
formatted version. This switch causes mmaann to
reformat the man page even if the formatted
copy appears to be up-to-date.
--ss _s_e_c_t_i_o_n_N_a_m_e Check only in section _s_e_c_t_i_o_n_N_a_m_e of the
manual for the desired entries.
--tt Print the manual entries on the printer
instead of on standard output.
-- MMaann normally filters the man pages through
mmoorree --ss to break up the output and process
underline and boldface requests. If the --
switch is given, then the mmoorree filter is
Sprite v.1.0 Printed: September 5, 1991 1
MAN User Commands MAN
omitted, and the nnrrooffff output is passed
directly to standard output. The PPAAGGEERR
environment variable can be set to the name
of a program to use instead of mmoorree.
The mmaann program locates and prints one or more entries of
the Sprite reference manual. The entries are given by the
_e_n_t_r_y_N_a_m_e arguments; these are usually the names of pro-
grams or library procedures. Normally, mmaann searches the
entire manual and invokes mmoorree to print the first entry that
matches each _e_n_t_r_y_N_a_m_e. The manual is divided into sec-
tions, and it is possible for the same name to be used for
entries in different sections. You may use the --ss switch to
specify a particular section; in this case, mmaann will look
only in the named section. Section names include both the
traditional UNIX names (11, 22, etc.) and the Sprite names
(ccmmddss, lliibb, lliibb//cc, ddeevv, etc.). You may specify a section
name without the --ss switch if the section name starts with a
number and is entered as the first _e_n_t_r_y_N_a_m_e.
The default configuration file causes the current directory
to be searched for the desired manual entry before the sys-
tem directories. If there is a file _e_n_t_r_y_N_a_m_e..mmaann in the
current directory, then it will be printed in preference to
any entries in the system area.
The --ii switch causes mmaann to generate an index instead of
printing a manual page. Each _e_n_t_r_y_N_a_m_e argument is taken to
be a file name. MMaann will read all the files and output
index information for them on standard output. Normally,
each directory containing installed unformatted manual
entries also has a file named iinnddeexx containing index infor-
mation for all the files in the directory. When printing
manual entries, if mmaann cannot locate a file for a given
_e_n_t_r_y_N_a_m_e, then it reads the iinnddeexx files to see if _e_n_t_r_y_N_a_m_e
is an alternate name for some other manual entry (an alter-
nate name is any name listed in the NNAAMMEE section of the
The --kk switch causes mmaann to perform a keyword search instead
of printing a manual page. Each _e_n_t_r_y_N_a_m_e argument is taken
to be a keyword, and mmaann searches all the iinnddeexx files for
entries that match the keywords. Each matching entry is
printed on standard output in a human-readable form. A key-
word matches an index entry if it is a substring of any of
the entry's name, synopsis, or keyword fields.
/sprite/lib/man/config - default configuration file
Sprite v.1.0 Printed: September 5, 1991 2
MAN User Commands MAN
help, index, keyword, manual, reference, section
Sprite v.1.0 Printed: September 5, 1991 3